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리딩 썸머캠프
Summer Intensives - Reading Super Care Session D
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교재 목록


쏘어키즈 선생님 사진
Like to Help Shy Students and Encourage Them to Come Out of Their Shell.

Hello everyone, my name is Teacher Christine, it is nice to meet you all! :). I have been a teacher with SOAR KIDZ for almost two and a half years, and I am enjoying it a lot! Before I started working for SOAR KIDZ, I was a fourth grade teacher for several years, that is until Covid forced me to look for alternatives to teaching in a regular brick and mortar school. I believe in being patient with students, and to meet them on their level. If a student is new and feels too anxious to talk, I encourage them to use other forms of communication- type your answer in the chat, use hand signals, Zoom emojis...you cannot not communicate. What I enjoy most about SOAR KIDZ classes are the interactions and discussions with the students. It makes me proud to see a student standing up for their opinion and to openly disagree with me when they believe their argument is stronger during a debate. My book recommendation is a classic- Matilda by Roald Dahl. The magic of the story and the transformation from a shy, neglected girl to a confident and happy one is not only wonderful to follow, but also shows students who might have a similar home life: You are not alone.

수업 일정

week 1 : 08/08 목요일 12:00 AM
week 2 : 08/10 토요일 12:00 AM
week 3 : 08/15 목요일 12:00 AM
week 4 : 08/17 토요일 12:00 AM

Course Overview 

In this intensive 2 weeks course, readers will focus on understanding and interpreting dialogue between characters.

Class InformationAcademic Skill FocusAssginments
Session ACharacter development- Assigned Reading (2books)
- Reading Journals
- Character Development Prep Worksheet
- Prepare for quiz (In-class)
- Essential Vocabularies
Session BAnalytical reading- Assigned Reading (2books)
- Reading Journals
- Analytical Reading Prep Worksheet
- Prepare for quiz (In-class)
- Essential Vocabularies
Session CComprehension of Advanced Story Elements- Assigned Reading (2books)
- Reading Journals
- Story Elements Prep Worksheet
- Prepare for quiz (In-class)
- Essential Vocabularies
Session DFinding Main Ideas and Understanding Different Perspectives- Assigned Reading (2books)
- Reading Journals
- Main Idea Prep Worksheet
- Prepare for quiz (In-class)
- Essential Vocabularies

Learning Goal

Following the classes, students will be able to

  • Understanding how characters interact with one another

  • Interpreting one and underlying messages of dialogue 

  • Analyzing dialogue between the author, characters, and/or reader (depending on the point of view the book is written in)

  • Developing reading comprehension skills beyond basic “wh” types of questions

*By actively participating in book discussions and activities, students will not only enhance their literacy skills but also cultivate a broader appreciation for storytelling and its applications across various contexts.


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  • 기간
    08월 8일   -   08월 17일
  • 일정 목요일 12:00 AM
    토요일 12:00 AM
  • 학년 5 - 6
  • 수업횟수 4
  • 학습 50 분
  • 학습자 3 - 5 명
  • 입학시험 required
  • 가격
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